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Julie Flanery Joy of Heeling

Are you struggling with your heelwork? Many people and their dogs can find heel drills exhausting, but did you know they don't have to be boring? It is time to bring joy back to heelwork by buildlng connection, animation, and enthusiasm!

We are excited to announce a TWO DAY WORKSHOP with Julie Flanery of Creative Canine on Joy of Heeling in Dacula, GA on August 10th and 11th, 2024. 

Join us to learn more about how to identify and build joyful heeling including components like focus, head carriage, enthusiasm, drive and more! Learn some more reinforcement games to maximize your training efforts in heeling and beyond!

Workshop Details: We will have a total of 10 working spots and 20 audit spots each day with a variety of purchase options to suit your needs. Event will take inside at a temperature controlled facility with snacks provided. We will begin promptly at 9am and finish at 5pm with a one hour lunch break during the day. After sign up you will receive an email with additional details on site location, a packing list, and more so please keep an eye out for that. 


Day 1

Attention, focus and engagement games

Reinforcement strategies: Leveraging your rewards for greatest impact

Joy of Heeling: Construct games for lift and animation


Day 2

Joy of Heeling: Advanced games and tricks for problem solving)

Handler's Choice/Real time problem solving in the afternoon

Please Note: This is a R+ event. Working dogs must be able to comfortably work around other people and dogs. 


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About Julie

Julie Flanery CPDT-ka owns Creative Canine LLC and has been working professionally with dogs and their handlers since 1993. Her focus is on the needs of the dog and helping handlers form a strong relationship, through clear communication, and positive reinforcement strategies. She has placed Obedience, Freestyle, Rally, Rally-FrEe, Agility, Trick Dog and Parkour titles on her dogs and has earned a Championship in Heelwork-to-Music and a Grand Championship in Freestyle and Elite Grand Championship MCL in Rally-FrEe. She has achieved both High Technical Merit and High Artistic Merit in both Freestyle and Heelwork to Music several times over, including three prestigious Attila Challenge awards, as well as several “Top H.A.T.” awards for High Scoring Heelwork, Attention and Teamwork.

In 2012, Julie developed the sport of Rally-FrEe to help freestyle teams increase the quality and precision of their performances. It has since become a stand-alone sport enjoyed by dog sport enthusiasts all over the world. Julie is a highly sought after instructor for Fenzi Dog Sports Academy and continues to compete in Rally-FrEe and musical freestyle.

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