Enrichment: What Is It, Anyways?Enrichment is one of those concepts most dog and puppy owners hear about at some point, but with how much information is out there these...
Treasure Box Enrichment For Shy DogsThose of us sharing lives with fearful, shy, or anxious dogs know that our pups need a little extra consideration when it comes to...
Beating the Crate Rest BluesYou’re at the vet discussing treatment and recovery strategies for your dog who is experiencing an illness, injury, or needs a surgical...
Why Isn't My Dog "Food Motivated?""I would love to train with positive reinforcement but my dog refuses treats!" As dog trainers and behavior consultants, we hear this...
Welcome Home! A Guide to Bringing Home a Newly Adopted DogAdopting a dog from a shelter or rescue can be a great way to find a new companion. There are often many different sizes, ages, and breed...
Let Your Dogs Let Loose!We expect a lot from our dogs when you really think about it. They are asked to follow our routines, live in our human households, and...